Project Aarohan

Project Title

A Step Towards Social and Economic Empowerment of Rural Women in Roorkee


  • Socio-economic empowerment of rural women including their participation in decision making and financial management at household level
  • Federating self help groups into village organisations so as to address their developmental needs with a collective approach


  • Formation of SHGs and Vos
  • Providing revolving fund to members of SHGs to start income generation activities
  • Capacity building of SHG and VO office-bearers
  • Convergence with government welfare schemes
  • Exposure visits for SHG members
  • Linking SHGs with banks for credit facilitation

Expected Outcome

  • Strengthening of existing 468 SHGs
  • Formation of 20 new SHGs
  • Formation of four VOs
  • Supporting SHG members to set up 200 IGAs (100 new and 100 expansion of existing ones)
  • Cash Credit Limit (CCL) sanctioning to 20 SHGs

Target Groups



50 villages Narsan, Roorkee, and Bhagwanpur development blocks of Haridwar district.

