OD Support Project

Project Title

Organisational Development Support Project


  • To make long-term programme and budget plans for the organisation for coming five years
  • To prepare for the future by amending existing old policies and preparing a few more policies, particularly those on IT and data protection policies
  • To document our experience of nearly four decades and use the documents for fundraising
  • To replace ageing equipment with new ones for smooth functioning of the office and training centre


  • Preparation of long-term perspective plan with the support of some resource organisation/ consultant
  • Review and amendment of existing policies. Code of conduct, human resource policy, gender and sexual harassment policy, and finance policy will be reviewed and amended. Preparation of IT and data protection policy
  • Documentation of our 40 years of work and bring out a compendium of stories of change
  • Revamp of the organisation’s website and increase in social media engagement
  • Replacement of old equipment in the office and training centre with new ones

Expected Outcomes

The organisation becomes ready for the future.


Edelgive Foundation – GROW Fund