Testing of haemoglobin and calcium of adolescent girls and young women under health programme was inaugurated on 15 February 2023. Nearly 90 women from three villages Paj Bangar, Sultanpur and Chilkana were tested during the inauguration.
Disha Director KN Tiwari said that among other activities the organisation was actively working on health issue of the communities. He said that a few women of our working area were iron and calcium deficient. He said that the organisation would try to arrange supplements for the women suffering from deficiency.
The health interventions are being conducted in 15 villages among young women and adolescent girls. Nearly 500 women and adolescent girls are being made aware of health and sanitation issues. Attempts are being made to arrange health facilities for them.
One year later the test will be repeated on the women and adolescent girls so we can know the level of improvement.
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