Nearly 50 girl icons selected by Milan Foundation and social workers participated in a workshop on the International Girls’ Day organised at Disha headquarters on October 15, 2022.

Disha Director KN Tiwari informed the participants the workshop was being organised for awareness generation among the girl icons selected by Milan Foundation. He extended good wishes to the girl icons to move ahead in the life. Milan Foundation is conducting an awareness campaign for girls from October 11 to 20, 2022.

Detailed information on objectives and works of Uttar Pradesh Coalition to Empower Girls (UPCEG) was given. UPCEG is a state level group of about 30 voluntary organisations working on various issues associated with adolescent girls. The coalition performs many kinds of activities to build capacity of adolescent girls, helps in taking decisions related to policies and programming, cross learning, and increasing access of the girls to government welfare and developmental schemes.

Woman constable from Chilkana Police Station promised all kind of help to the girls from the police and suggested them to give information on the numbers 112 and 1090 against troublemakers. She motivated the girls to study.

Health worker Badrunisha from the Community Health Centre Sultanpur made the girls aware of sanitation and health. She suggested the girls to take iron and calcium supplements as there was deficiency of iron and calcium in the area. She exhorted the girls to consume nutritive food.

Many other speakers spoke on various facets of girl empowerment.


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